Providing Family Law Clients
Peace-of-Mind For Over 25 Years

Cohabitation Investigations 

Cohabitation investigations are often necessary when a spouse is filing for a reduction of financial support. 

There are many factors to consider when documenting continued cohabitation depending on the circumstances of the case.  Submitting a written declaration with photographic evidence and documented research findings by a licensed private investigator often results with a favorable court decision in most modification-of-support cases. 

A typical cohabitation investigation may include surveillance, documenting the frequency of overnight stays, and spending time together, doing things such as shopping for household goods & groceries.  Research may includegathering evidence of comingled finances, the lack of another permanent residence, etc.   

It is our ultimate goal to gather sufficient evidence to verify the couple are living together, displaying the hallmark of a marriage. 


(800) 222-2772
  • family law investigationsspecializing in family law cases
  • Family Law InvestigationsCheating Spouse Surveillance
  • Family Law InvestigationsConcealed Financial Assets
  • Family Law InvestigationsMissing Persons
  • Family Law InvestigationsCohabitation Investigations
  • Family Law InvestigationsProviding Peace of Mind For Over 25 Years
"Private Investigators Specializing
In Family Law Cases"